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Anxiety – the physical reactions.


Are you anxious and shaking???


YES - interestingly enough this is where you realise that it is YOU who has the power and control here.

Our initial response to someone crying, shaking or having a panic attack is to try calm them. Which isn’t wrong but we have to understand what anxiety really is…

Anxiety is a physical reaction in the body that comes from a belief we hold in our subconscious mind. The belief is usually triggered by a present situation and our thoughts about that situation.

It is important here to know that we cannot control anything in life, except our thinking. That’s right - the only thing in life we can control is our thoughts – that is it!!!

When you are experiencing anxiety, it can feel so scary. Like it is never going to end. But what you don’t realise at times is – you are the one who are actually controlling the anxiety, the emotions, the physical reaction, therefore it is you who can stop it.

Think of a time when you’ve been anxious or maybe you are anxious right now. You may be shaking, sweating, crying, really nervous. Instead of trying to calm yourself down, shake more and get more anxious. This may seem pretty silly but it works. You will start to begin to realise that you are in control of it.

When you shake more, you are actually shaking off all the negative energy. When you shake more, not only are you releasing the tension but you are beginning to realise that you are doing it and if you understand that you are doing it, you also understand that you can stop it.

You may not know how to stop it but you will know that you are intensifying it and by intensifying it – you are also making it go away.

Anxiety happens because you hold a belief about something and it’s your thoughts from that belief that is causing the emotional and physical response.

Change the belief – change your thinking – change your life!!!


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