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The "detour" that put me on the right path.

If I wanted to change the situation that I found myself in, I had to do the one thing to start that process. I had to THINK differently. I had to ‘let go’ of some of the irrational, negative, unhelpful thoughts and replace them with more beneficial ones. Thoughts that would change how I felt about the situation and thoughts that would help me take new actions and move forward towards a new improved outcome…

So, what did I need to do to make this happen?

I had to accept that what I was presently doing - wasn't working. I was on an exciting journey but some of the decisions I had made, brought me to this point and was not working for me and my career goal, and if I wanted a new outcome I had to make new decisions. I had to accept ‘it is what it is’, let go and move in a different direction. Letting go can be one of the most hardest things to do but can also be one of the most powerfulest things for growth and freedom. At the time, I felt like I was about to let go of everything that I was about. I felt I was letting go of all my hard work to this point, leaving behind something I felt strongly connected to, something that had played an important role in the growth journey I was on. This was so hard but I knew I had to make a decision and free myself from the hole I felt lost and stuck in.

I had to do what I knew best and that was to remind myself who I was, and what I was capable of achieving. I needed to pull on the BELIEF that was placed in me as a teenager by someone, the belief that saved my life, the belief that put me on this career journey, and the belief that got me through every single negative situation I had ever experienced. The belief that I AM ENOUGH…

I had to think of the situations I had come through before and think about how I myself got through them and this situation wasn’t going to be any different. I had to put the belief back in myself and get moving in a different direction.

I remember waking every morning sick and tired of the stress just hitting me.

I told myself the next day something good would happen...

"What's expected, tends to be realised."

Getting into bed that particular night, I made the conscious decision that when I woke the next morning, I would "let go" of the stress. There was nothing actually physically holding me down so I knew it was ‘mental stuckness’ and I knew I had the power and understanding of how to change all of this if only I trusted myself.

When I did this, things started to change. I started to feel more hopeful, more in control of my thinking, and in turn I started to feel better. I started to feel more at ease within my body and my days didn't seem so difficult moving forward. My days looked a bit brighter.

This is the picture of myself and the girl who took me on a complete "detour" of where I thought I was supposed to be going in life. I went off on a path with a complete stranger that I never in a million years seen coming. I guess you could say I took a leap of faith or a risk but as time would tell, it was the perfect distraction I needed to take my focus of the stressful experience I was in and showed me that although it may not be where I thought I'd be, it was the perfect opportunity to help me get myself to a place where I can get up and get going again.

My partner and I were invited to an event in Belfast. It was an event for a mental health charity and there would be a network of people there. I can remember that morning saying to him that I was looking forward to the event and I had an intention of connecting with someone and maybe I could do some work. I just felt something was going to change but I had no idea what.

I sat next to a girl who was quite chatty and although I still wasn't my chatty bubbly self, I still connected well with her. She told me she was in business for herself with a health product and she offered me an opportunity to work with her. I remember thinking that I only had £60 in my bank and it was for my shopping but I would have to pay £50 to sign up. I remember thinking that I had no idea what this was but something inside was saying to go for it. I looked at my partner and he just said "Michelle - go for it." It was a spare of the moment gut feeling decision (these usually are the best decision).

Honestly, at the time I didn’t really know what was ahead. I just had the belief that things were changing for the better. It was an opportunity to make money, get healthy and help others get healthy. It wasn’t where I saw myself as a professional but it was exactly what I needed at that time so I accepted it.

Over the next few weeks, the world was starting to come to a standstill and here I was on my way upward again. Positive things were starting to happen for me. There was tragedy happening in the world outside but I remained true to my decision that I was not going to let anything into my mind that would cause me anymore stress. I was in comeback mode. I was running with my new opportunity and starting to feel really good again and my focus was shifting from ‘was is’ to ‘what will be’.

I made a decision to go a different direction and I am forever grateful I did. I was totally able to disconnect from the outside world situation and focus on my internal world again. I met a lot of new people and was having fun. The products I was taking helped me feel so good again within my body. I was really moving upwards again and at speed as well. My mental health was really improving and within no time at all I was back helping others.

Although I found myself on a completely different path than what I had expected. It was the path I needed to be on at that time. I was able to think clearly again. I was feeling at my best and I was ready to create my vision of where I wanted to go.

My purpose never changed. I knew that I would have a career in helping others create new, better lives for themselves, freeing and empowering them to live the life they wanted to live but first I had to get myself back to a starting point that allowed me to set a new goal and to create a clear vision of where I was going…

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