Not feeling ‘good enough’ to connect
Socialising is a massive part of life and even more so now that we’re online more than ever before. If you have difficulty connecting and communicating with others this can leave you feeling very isolated and lonely, and you could potentially be missing out on achieving the great things in life.
So, what is it that’s holding you stuck???
Looping thoughts!!!
Every thought you have creates a feeling, that creates an emotional response in the body, that effects your action/behaviour then effects the results in your life. Thoughts about yourself come from beliefs you hold about yourself (you may not even be aware of these beliefs) and if these beliefs are negative then your results will be negative too. Then the result you get will create the thought again and so on…
Here is an example of negative looping thoughts in a social situation.
Thoughts – no one will like me, I’ll look a fool, I’m not good at making friends.
Feelings – worthless, afraid, worried
Emotional response in body – nervous, anxious
Action/behaviour – pull out of going, sick, avoid phone calls and messages.
Result/experience – missing out on life, no friends, staying stuck in life.
Thoughts – no one likes me, I’ve no friends.
Feelings – worthless, afraid…
The hidden belief here may be “I am not good enough”
Here it may be good to know that your belief system is working great, but unfortunately, it’s out of date and you are staying stuck because you’re operating from a belief that isn’t serving you. Here’s something that may shock you but could be the best information you may ever find out. It is YOU who has created that belief and it is also you who can change it!!!
Below is a new set of positive looping thoughts, that will help you get unstuck and enjoy a life of freedom.
Thoughts – I am good enough, people like and accept me, I enjoy meeting new people.
Feelings – empowered, excited, feeling good about self.
Emotional response in body – relaxed, at ease
Action/behaviour – step out and talk to others, go to events, connect with others.
Results/experiences – freedom, new opportunities, fun, happiness, fulfilment, friends
New belief – "I am good enough"