Have you ever had that experience as an adult where you say to yourself "I feel exactly like I did when I was a child?"
Where you have stepped out to do something different and got held back by fear of doing it wrong and the inner voice was saying "No, you can't do that", so you give up and don't try again. It's highly likely that this is the voice of your inner child who had maybe had a negative experience as a child when trying something new and it didn't go to plan and they lost confidence. So it may be too painful to try because anxious feelings or nervousness may appear.
Upgrading the child is an incredible tool I use in my RTT practice, where I work closely with my clients to communicate, upgrade and heal their younger self, freeing them from their fears and limiting beliefs so they can go on as adults and achieve the results they desire.
It may be a case that you are being triggered by a similar experience, so next time you set out to try something new and fear holds you back, ask yourself where this is coming from? Chances are you are more than capable but just need to do a bit of inner healing, a bit of self-talk to build strength and confidence. As an adult you must understand that it is OK to fail and that is usually when a breakthrough happens.
